Member-only story
PragerU, a website and YouTube channel founded by talk-show host and author, Dennis Prager, is a fixture of right wing social media, a platform that is best known for short videos of high production values and broad use of logical fallacies on race relations, global warming, socialism, feminism, and public religion, among other matters of concern to conservatives. Prager is a religious Jew, so the religious advocacy is of the usual type for the right, the belief that America is a Judeo-Christian nation — Judeo added here for Prager’s benefit — and must remain so if we are to survive. Wiccans, Muslims, and, gasp, atheists need keep quiet — though practicioners of Norse heathenry often lean conservative, so perhaps they could find welcome. But overall, the purpose of the site is to sell a socially conservative, scientifically rejectionist, and economically libertarian point of view to those who come upon the media.
And now I find that PragerU is in search of a writer. The job description calls for a candidate who “will have deep knowledge and interest in conservative topics, can write in an engaging manner while respecting brevity, and has experience in creating public-facing content targeted to the 18–34 demographic.” A qualified candidate will have years of experience explaining concepts to audiences in a writing style that is engaging and grammatically acceptable. Said person should also be able to do research.